Saturday, December 1, 2007

Winter Edition, what not to wear

Alright so I was hanging out at the mall on black friday with my friends. And in sportsmart I see something that blinded my eyes.

If you thought Crocs were bad, then you will flinch when you see these babies... Winter Crocs

Disgusting, am I right?

I was speaking with my best chick friend, and apparently, they wear these in the east coast...

I also saw sheep fur flip flops at A&F

sorry couldn't find a picture, but they looked something like this, except the thongs were also fuzzy

Is this is new trend? Please tell me it isn't I just think they look extremely funny and no one should wear them seriously. That is all.

Farewell, Dear Myspace

I created a myspace in the summer of 2006. At first I thought it was stupid, but it slowly and slowly grew on me. I began having some compulsive order in visiting it over and over. Checking for new mail or new comments. It became part of me...

But as of 12/1/07 my myspace has died. It was a great run!

So I haven't logged into my account for months. I am somewhat scared because of all the stories of hackers on the news. One of the sites hit was myspace.

So looks better in my opinion. Good job Tom.

I look at my profile 1 more time!

I always thought those premade layouts were extremely stupid looking. So I made a simple one myself =)

I just want to say..... ALL THOSE COMMENTS! It was worth the ride

So now its gone, RIP

Facebook is what its all about now. All kids that enter high school just leave myspace behind. Facebook has it all, thats all I have to say

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Beowulf, and Hitman

Okay so over the Thanksgiving weekend we got 5 days off. Sweet, no? So off to the theaters.

Okay this movie, was no ordinary movie. It was in 3-D OMG! It made us look like idiots, but I liked it. It cost a lot for the ticket though, $10.25. Anyways so the movie starts and I notice that its actually all in CG..... Thats unexpected and really turns me off. Anyway the movie ended up being pretty boring. All I know is Beowulf is a Bad MotherFucka, this guy is like the old Chuck Norris, this guy is ripped. There's even a scene where hes all naked and fighting, it's pretty hot. What else? ANGELINA JOLIE, that was something. She was pretty much naked except I think some gold paint.... so yeah that was awesome. Overall, the fight scenes were okay. The story was odd and somewhat confusing. This monster thing, Grendel, scared the shit out of me like three times during the movie. I'd say 3 out of 5, maybe less.

This is one of those movies from summer. Big shooter. If you didn't know, this is a movie based off a video game by Edios. The plot was intriguing, and Agent 47 was wicked. I thought it was somewhat cliche. We have the stoic assassin who is great at killing, and he meets this fragile girl. Things happen.... Lots of good action. Guns, and dead guys. Not so much gore, some nudity. Overall I thought it was a good movie, but you have to pay attention.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hmm.. one of my interests are DIY projects. Especially duct tape projects. One well known project is the duct tape wallet! I finished my first one back in June 07' but ever since the new school year, me and a couple of my friends have gotten into them. We even started selling them.

to the right we have... a duct tape rose I made for my homecoming date

So this wallet, I made back in June 07'. i thought it was pretty sweet at the time. but you can tell that the glue started to come out, and it started to get really dirty. Simple design on outside. Simple pocket designs. OH yeah! and HOT PINK. *linux*

so im retiring this one

So this wallet I made while in bio class, so cut me some slack. It actually turned out pretty good. What i wanted, sleek and slimmer. I added more pockets and experimented. awesome sticker don't you think. too bad it doesn't say "off the ASIAN"

So I'm a fan of big bright neon colors! And i thought this one was pretty sweet. Neon green. This one got even slimmer by accident. but it turned out great. The design is... kind of simple, but im satisfied. I think i may have rushed this one.

So the wallet sizes compared to each other. Yeah, more wallets to come definitely. Me and my friends even have workshops. And our now distributing wallets at our high school.

A site for a beginners wallet if you're interested



Saturday, August 11, 2007

Summer Movies 07'

Alright so, everyone said this was the season of threes. And its definitely true. I mean, Shrek 3, Spiderman 3, Pirates 3, Bourne Ultimatum, Rush Hour 3, Ocean's 13, and probably a lot more i can't think of at the moment. So during my summer break, I've seen eight movies so far. Not to mention I am going to see two more next Monday. And some I saw during the school year.

So here are just some of my opinions on movies.

Transformers. (saw this two times) Awesome. Enough said. This movie was great, i even saw it twice! It had humor, that cliche geeky boy meets hot girl storyline, and the United States Military. The action sequences are just so sleek and sexy. Being one of those boys who watched and played with transformers (even though I'm not from the 80s) it was really satisfying to hear Optimus Prime say "Autobots, fall out!" The one complaint i have with this movie, is the camera shots. They never have a wide shot, everything is close and zoomed in...

Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix. (saw this two times) This movie was satisfying. The only time I have touched one of these books is in like 4th grade. I read "the boy who lived", immediately put this down, and claimed that it was just bullshit. The movies at least are visually entertaining. Although it seemed complicated to me, other people complained that it was too short. Ehhhh it was good enough. One thing I just gotta say, Snape is one sexy son of a bitch.

Evan Almighty. I saw this movie at the beginning of summer break. You know... I'm kind of disapointed. After watching about half of Bruce Almighty, I went into the theaters thinking... Oh this is going to be hysterical. Hysterical, it was not. I found some parts funny, but barely laugh out loud. This movie is okay, not great. Leon and I agree that the funniest part is when the black chick says "You want me to get my BB gun?"

The Simpsons Movie. (saw this two times) Let me just say, I am a HUGE fan of The Simpsons. I have seen almost every episode, except maybe a few of the new ones. It sure was snazzy to have a promotional Kwik-e-Mart right in front of Shoreline. I am just pissed off that the cashier didn't say "Thank you, come again!" But anyway, back to the movie... This movie is joke after joke. After watching the trailer, i was thinking.. ehhh... But no! This is better than any episode. Seeing cartoon genitals is just too appealing to me. "Why pay for something, when you can get it on tv for free?" haha, you pay for this shit!!

Chuck and Larry. Hilarious! Nothing better than two funny guys like Kevin James and Adam Sandler acting gay. This was laugh out loud funny. Even the horribly done steryotype of the asian was funny. Its just crude humor all the way, but if you don't like that kind of stuff. Don't watch it.

Pirates 3. Welcome to Singapore. Yeah this was pretty good. Just complicated as hell! Seriously, whats the point of this Calypto thing. And what happens to Will at the end?.... Oh my god... Disney on crack. The battle was good. Drunk Jack is back better than ever. It was epic, although the first will always be the best.

Oceans 13. I'm not the biggest Ocean fan. But I liked this movie. I mean, look at all the hot guys. But seriously, don't be like me and go into this thinking there's action. Its all genius and at the end of the movie you're just like... Woah, they smart. Every character in this movie is loveable and enjoyable, especially that British Black guy.

And yeah, I'll be going to see Rush hour 3 on Monday, and I'll be hopping into Bourne later. If anyone wants to come, you could contact me. Hopefully more blogs to come..